Worship | Sunday mornings, 10:30A

Here's the latest bulletin with the outline for Sunday worship.

Nursery care is available during Sunday worship

Dial-in option: 1 253-215-8782

Meeting ID: 859 1849 6924

09.01 | A Place to Go When There's Nowhere to Go
Pastor Andrew Conley-Holcom

09.08 | Co-Owning The House of the Lord
Pastor Andrew Conley-Holcom

09.15 | Teachers as Revealers of Shared Truth
Pastor Andrew Conley-Holcom

09.22 | Transformation Comes Through Relationship
Pastor Andrew Conley-Holcom

09.29 | Prayer As a Path To God,

Not Power
Rev. Alyssa De Wolf

recent Sunday Sermon series

The fourth Gospel sets itself apart within the canon, using unique language and stylistic features distinct to its pages. One of the most frequent symbols the author draws on is the kosmos (translated “world” in English); Jesus uses this concept to teach His followers about their mission, their anticipated sufferings, and the Kingdom which is coming. During August, we explored “the world” in John’s thought and saw how it calls us out into our community, ready to shine the light of Christ and cast a vision for moving forward together. 

You can find previous sermons, series, and additional resources on our YouTube channel >